Rebecca Wilk

Stretching Our Thinking

Privilege Action Steps

  • February 25, 2022 at 9:45 AM
  • Visible to public
White privilege has been such a popular topic recently (as it should be) that I failed to recognize all the other ways I am also privileged until completing these exercises. As a female that identifies as a female, I do not consider gender to be a privilege. However so many other characteristics related to this COULD be considered privilege, such as my gender identity and sexual orientation. Also, I am lower middle class (upper lower class? I don't think I'm technically even considered middle class) but my lifestyle projects that social class and therefore, definitely has afforded some instances of privilege, mostly when interacting with members of society in public, such as in stores, businesses and restaurants. Other members of my same social class view me as one of their own and are more likely to give me the benefit of double and not judge my actions or intentions. This is such an unfortunate reality in our world, and I definitely think the general public needs much more educational on the actual definition of privilege and then to be encouraged to explore their own privileges in a safe and respectful space.