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  • Last updated January 9, 2018 at 3:24 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
How is this relevant to your future classroom? How could you use this? (This will help you to write your paper at the end)

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The idea behind this is great, but for my subject level, everything I looked at was not a rubric in any way. They were just cool websites or modules people created for topics that I could put into my own lesson plan, but they were not actual lesson plans (history, government, psychology ones). It is cool to browse through them, though, they just aren’t lesson plans I could just use. 
megan-ackman Over 6 years ago


This would be helpful for my future classroom because I can use materials from this website to help me further my teaching! I can also add in my lesson plans and get good imput from others so that they can help me build my knowledge on future lesson plans. There are several different resources in OER, this can be helpful to teachers of all grade levels. 
mcne4432 Over 6 years ago


I thought that this website was a great resource for elementary education lesson. The lesson that I reviewed was different games and activities that could be done to help the foundation of 100's. I actually found this resource to be very interesting and helpful. There were many different activities that ranged from short and quick to long and thoughtful. I would use some of these in my future classroom. I was, however, confused at its low ratings. Some of the ratings were lower than 1 and it only have 3 stars out of 5. I found myself ranking it higher than the average. Overall, this resource gives teachers lots of different ways to incorporate 100 in their classroom and allows you to pick and choose what you should include based on your specific classroom. 
karleighmeyer Over 6 years ago


i think this is very relevant to my future classroom because it is a resource that lets me see diverse lesson plans that I can change and edit if I feel like I need too. This will help me create a diverse learning environment in my classroom which is something that is very important to me. I will use this website to find resources and lesson plans and keep my classroom interaction and more exciting!
mkyncl Over 6 years ago


This is relevant to my future classroom because sometimes I might get stuck when trying to figure out what to do in class one day. I can go to this website and look for ideas to use in my classroom. I could use one of the lesson’s from this website in my class, and I can revise it if need be to fit my students’ needs. It is extremely helpful for teachers who are looking for some variety in their classroom. 
lorengiles Over 6 years ago

This is relevant to my future classroom because it contains resources for future lessons

I could use this in my future classroom for future lessons and resources for teaching different topics. This website is full of different ways to teach different topics and lesson plans for if I am ever stuck on how to teach a certain content area. This source is also great because it has resources for grades from k-12, as well as higher ed. For me, since I plan on teaching elementary ed, it contains resources for me to be able to use this source for any grade level I am currently teaching, even if the grade level changes. 
corynnmcmurray Over 6 years ago