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  • Last updated January 9, 2018 at 3:24 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
How is this relevant to your future classroom? How could you use this? (This will help you to write your paper at the end)

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reflection below

I really liked this lesson. It was fun and engaging for younger elementary students. There weren't very many details, but this lesson was designed for a fun day in the classroom while also covering content. It followed basic standards while having to let the students have fun opportunities.
mill1110 Over 6 years ago

OER lesson plan review reflection

In my future classroom, this website could could help me in finding activities, resources, articles, and lesson plans to incoperate into the classroom. I could use this website to find activities to use as a framework for my own lesson plans for my class by changing or using the content from the website that would best suit my class.
jewals24 Over 6 years ago


I think is very relevant in my future classroom. I can access this website if I am stuck about what to do to complete a specific standard or how to incorporate something my students are interested in. It is great way to find lessons and activities for free and something I will definitely utilize in my classroom.
smatuszak Over 6 years ago


I like this OER review website, not only could I find helpful resources to use in my lessons, I could also post my lessons and see what other people comment to help improve my lesson. I think it could be very useful if used correctly. I like that it is particular in that it has all subjects and even broken down to content for the subject. This makes it easier to find what you are looking for and it seems like it is well know because there are thousands of lessons on here that can be evaluated or used into your classroom. 
beam6634 Over 6 years ago


This website and lesson plan I chose is relevant to my future classroom because it could be a great tool for me to use to find lesson plans or create my own and receive feedback from others about the one I’ve made to further improve it. 
carlywilliamson Over 6 years ago


I enjoyed this site and all that it had to offer in utilizing your peers to make each other better! I also really enjoyed the specific lesson that I reviewed. It was very fun and hands on, utilizing technology as well as group activities. I have saved it to possibly go back and use on my kid's 100th day of school.
bethe Over 6 years ago


This website is a very useful tool for teachers and one I can use in the future. You’re able to collaborate with other educators on creating content and lessons. It’s another way to work with teachers to create better material for students.
tycaldwell Over 6 years ago


This is definitely a tool that I will be utilizing in my future classroom. I can use this to find lessons for my class and when I find something that works for me, I can share that information as well. There are many different subject areas covered and it will be a helpful tool when I feel unprepared to teach a certain topic. I can’t wait to utilize this in my classroom!
hmlowery Over 6 years ago


I believe this is relevant to my future classroom because I will be able to try out different lessons and ideas for my students. I can see how teachers are making lessons differently from mine which could also help students out. I also believe it is important to see other ideas because they may be more creative or educational then mine. It also gives me good ideas because I am not the best with making lesson plans. I hope to use this in the future classroom because I want to make my lessons the most beneficial for all my students. 
madison512 Over 6 years ago


I will totally be using this website when I get into my future classroom or even in my internship semester. This is so resourseful and helpful if you need to get engaging ideas for lessons you are creating. Sometimes I personally have gotten stuck when making lesson plans so now having this tool will not only benefit me when creating the lesson plans, but also having my students want to participate. 
lindseym Over 6 years ago

Top of the line resource

I think this is an incredible resource for teachers. I would use this in my classroom for ideas when I am struggling with how to teach or approach a certain subject in my classroom. This can provide examples and resources to benefit the children in my classroom.
jmpelger Over 6 years ago

Really cool resource

I think this website is a really cool reasouce. By posting materials online, teachers are helping other teachers ensure that their students learn the material in the best way possible. I think this is especially helpful for new teachers who may not have built up a resource bank yet. I know I will probably be using this in the future. 
teter28 Over 6 years ago