Keli Bradbury

8. Describe Their Implementation

Guided a K. Morris through the process.

  • May 20, 2022 at 8:55 AM
  • Last updated about 1 year ago
  • Visible to public
  • What were the successes?
    • I used to teach with this teacher when I was a SE teacher and it was fantastic working with her again.
    • I instructed her sixth period, 7th grade students, every Tuesday from September-December.
  • What were the challenges?
    • Because there was a week between our sessions, students needed lots of review before progressing. However, we moved at a pace that they could master each level.
  • How did the two of you problem solve issues?
    • The biggest thing were the cue cards.  At first, I was using hard copies but found that once I began using the digital copies, the flow became much more fluid. I've shared everything with Morris.
  • What adjustments did you make?
    • Working as a team did make the process more fun for me as an instructor and I think more engaging for the students.