Word Mapping Strategy (SP)

8. Describe Their Implementation

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  • Last updated August 31, 2022 at 9:49 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Describe implementation in the instructor's class with student(s) What were the successes? What were the challenges? How did the two of you problem solve the issues? What adjustments did you make?
Describe implementation in the instructor's class with student(s).
  • What were the successes?
  • What were the challenges?
  • How did the two of you problem solve the issues?
  • What adjustments did you make?

All posted evidence

Guided a K. Morris through the process.

  • What were the successes?
    • I used to teach with this teacher when I was a SE teacher and it was fantastic working with her again.
    • I instructed her sixth period, 7th grade students, every Tuesday from September-December.
  • What were the challenges?
    • Because there was a week between our sessions, students needed lots of review before progressing. However, we moved at a pace that they could master each level.
  • How did the two of you problem solve issues?
    • The biggest thing were the cue cards.  At first, I was using hard copies but found that once I began using the digital copies, the flow became much more fluid. I've shared everything with Morris.
  • What adjustments did you make?
    • Working as a team did make the process more fun for me as an instructor and I think more engaging for the students.
ktbradbury About 1 year ago

Describe Their Implementation

Google Docs

Describe Implementation

Describe Their Implementation We had a variety of secondary special and general education teachers attend our September 30, 2021 professional learning. There was a district special education coach that attended with 4 teachers from her district. One of those teachers had an interest in implement...
schwallie Over 1 year ago

This document answers the questions for Imlemenation

khakee-smith Over 2 years ago

Private link to Google folder containing link to Describing Implementation evidence was shared with Mary Stowe on 5/20/22.

Private link to Google folder containing link to Describing Implementation evidence was shared with Mary Stowe on 5/20/22.
cdblev Almost 3 years ago

This file include observations of my mentee teacher, a sample of her presentations, and a brief overall reflection of the whole process.

amelia169 Almost 3 years ago

Describing Implementation

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edprice Almost 3 years ago

Description of implementation questions answered.

Google Docs

Word Mapping Implementation - Noall

Describe implementation in the instructor's class with student(s). What were the successes? Students found it helpful to know the meanings of morphemes. Success was evident with encountered but unknown words. Students were able to use specific morphemes in daily encounters with new words. This he...
bnoall About 3 years ago

Evidence in Google Drive link

loftonls About 3 years ago

Describe your Implementation


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agranata1 About 4 years ago

This file describes the group of students selected for the course, how they were chosen, and the length of instructional time.

dealea Almost 6 years ago


Overall implementing the word map strategy went well.  One particularly positive aspects was when the students being taught the strategy generalized word part knowledge into the science classroom.  The student was able to “to just know” what a root meant, this is important as these students historically have not been proficient memorizers to earn passing grades on science stems quizzes.One thing I will plan for differently next time is to  have blank color coded morpheme glossary sheets for students to add word parts to when we they are not on the list.  Also, another thing I struggled with a bit was planning for individual students who master skills at different times.  For example, one particular student struggled to independently score 80% correct on the prefix, suffix and root separating aspect.  I had to have independent work available for those that mastered those levels quickly while the slower worker had more time.During part three, practicing the strategy, ended up being utilized in small pieces in order to keep these students working through their reading program.  These small, about 10 minute, activities were the students favorite as they were small, easily mastered learning targets that were easily fit into even a tight schedule.  The only drawback is it prolonged the entire strategy implementation.I think that next time I begin this strategy, I will plan for individual student conferencing within the implementation structure.  This conferencing would allow me to see struggles and support students in order for them to reduce the amount of time they are practicing wrong.  I also think I will structure the student notebooks differently, for example I would organize all the notes sheets together separately rather than having them separated by the prefix, suffix, or roots practice sheets.  I also want to create a large chart paper size word map box as well as the word part tables so they could be used over and over again. Overall the strategy gave my students increased confidence when encountering grade level words.  Once we began generalizing, students enjoyed mapping words from grade level text that the science teacher had not taught yet, like these students were getting some sort of advantage or “cheat code” for reading, something this small group has rarely felt when working with long words.  It has also made my students more discerning customers, before we began I talked extensively about the research backing that the SIM strategies have. All teachers should be able to produce the research behind what we ask our students to do, so many minutes are wasted with “cute” pinterest or teachers pay teachers activities.   

I taught the word mapping strategy to a fellow special education teacher.  Together we identified a group of students to implement the strategy. I shared the google drive folder and we went through the powerpoint slides and I printed the mappable word lists and implementation schedule for her.  We also mapped some words together and walked through the instructional steps of the strategy.

karenstaley About 6 years ago

Ms. Witcher and I co-taught word mapping to a group of 8th grade intervention students.

Ms. Witcher and I co-taught word mapping to a group of 8th grade intervention students.  This was a group of 15 students who were below grade level on their last end of grade test and receive intervention services five days per week. 

The students responded positively to the lesson and were engaged with mapping the words.  We began with the sample provided in the word mapping manual and then allowed students to work in partners to map social studies terms from their current unit.  

The words that we chose (absolutism, democracy, oligarchy) were good examples to start with because the words mapped easily and students could see the benefit of learning the skill.

The biggest challenge we faced was students who wanted to work ahead and not follow the steps in order.  They also resisted looking up ("checking") their predicted definition.  The Smartboard also froze twice, forcing us to walk around and do more one-on-one instruction.

If we taught the lesson again, or if Ms. Witcher taught it again independently, we would make sure it was earlier in the year.  This was a very effective vocabulary strategy for our ELL students and we feel that they could have benefited from more practice throughout the year.
heatherkundla Over 6 years ago