• Share two student work samples from Controlled Practice, Advanced Practice, Generalization (8-Stage LS) or student work samples from the Learn-By Approach (lesson-based LS) OR Insert links to your Level 2, Fidelity of Implementation micro-credentials
• Redact any student identifying information
All student folders must be clearly marked individually with the applicant’s name. These will be returned to you.
Provide 1 student folder for each of 2 different strategies that you have taught in their entirety.
o Student folders of 8 stage strategies should include:
▪ Pretest
with score sheet and commitment, student cue cards, verbal practice
checklist, controlled and advance practice sheets with feedback, all
progress charts, Post-test and all generalization evidence including
orientation, activation, adaptation & maintenance.
o Student folders of lesson-based strategies should include:
▪ Pretest
with score sheet and commitment, student cue cards, verbal practice
checklist, controlled and advance practice sheets with feedback, all
progress charts, Post-test and all generalization evidence.https://sim.ku.edu/clli-ls-student-portfolios