SIM LS PD Institute

2. Submit Student Portfolios

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated April 12, 2021 at 1:14 PM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
• Share two student work samples from Controlled Practice, Advanced Practice, Generalization (8-Stage LS) or student work samples from the Learn-By Approach (lesson-based LS) OR Insert links to your Level 2, Fidelity of Implementation micro-credentials • Redact any student identifying information
Directions for LS STUDENT PORTFOLIOS All student folders must be clearly marked individually with the applicant’s name. These will be returned to you.
Provide 1 student folder for each of 2 different strategies that you have taught in their entirety.
o    Student folders of 8 stage strategies should include:
      ▪  Pretest with score sheet and commitment, student cue cards, verbal practice checklist, controlled and advance practice sheets with feedback, all progress charts, Post-test and all generalization evidence including orientation, activation, adaptation & maintenance.
o   Student folders of lesson-based strategies should include:
      ▪  Pretest with score sheet and commitment, student cue cards, verbal practice checklist, controlled and advance practice sheets with feedback, all progress charts, Post-test and all generalization evidence.

All posted evidence

Student Portfolios for Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing and Fundamentals of Sentence Writing

Google Docs

SIM LS PD Institute_StudentPortfolios

SIM LS PD Institute Josefina (Josie) Miller February 29, 2024
josie 12 months ago

Fundamentals in Sentence Writing Strategy Specialist Badge

Strategic Instruction Model™ Learning Strategies

Fundamentals in Sentence Writing Strategy (SP) awarded to Dr. Phyllis Hill

Earned through demonstration of competence in instructing a teacher to use the strategy with students.
drphyllishill Almost 2 years ago

Student work samples from Fundamentals in Sentence Writing Strategy.

amelia169 Almost 2 years ago

Link to Word Mapping Badge

Strategic Instruction Model™ Learning Strategies

Word Mapping Strategy (SP) awarded to Amelia Downey

Earned through demonstration of competence in instructing a teacher to use the Word Mapping Strategy with students.
amelia169 Almost 2 years ago

LINCS Vocabulary Strategy Learning Log

Google Docs

LINCS Vocabulary Strategy Log

LINCS Vocabulary Strategy Log Renee is a former high school teacher of SWD and is currently my FDLRS colleague. She has attended several CER PDs, has used them in her PD presentations, and has taught them to others; she is currently scheduled to attend the CLLI for Content Enhancement.
jane_hines Almost 3 years ago

Student folder Pretest through Verbal Practice

jane_hines Almost 3 years ago

8-Stage Strategy Please read first!

Google Docs

8-Stage Strategy - Please read

I am currently teaching the LINCS Vocabulary Strategy as my 8-Stage LS. To date, we have completed the Pretest and commitment to learn the strategy, and the Describe, Model, and Verbal Practice Stages. That evidence is attached. We will continue to work on the remaining stages on Zoom and I w...
jane_hines Almost 3 years ago

This is a student folder for Subtraction Facts 0-9, a lesson-based strategy.

jane_hines Almost 3 years ago

This is a student folder for the Lesson-based Addition Facts 0-9 from when I was learning how to teach the Strategic Math Series.

jane_hines Almost 3 years ago


bnoall Almost 3 years ago

Link to student portfolio in Word Mapping


4. Student Portfolio Showing Evidence of Fidelity

Submit one student portfolio that shows complete implementation of the strategy. Be sure to remove all student identifying information. (*may link to Fidelity of Implementation (FI) Credential evidence if you've already earned this badge). Submit one student portfolio that shows complete implementation of the strategy. Be sure to remove all student identifying information.
edprice Almost 3 years ago

Link to student portfolio in Fundamentals in Sentence Writing


5. Student Portfolio

Submit a student portfolio.*****Optional: Submit a Student Interview (interview a student about usefulness and implementation)***** Submit one student portfolio to your coach that shows complete implementation of the strategy. To post the portfolio:Upload using a file sharing app (such as Dropbox, Google Drive or something simpler like File Dropper)Copy the public URL of your uploaded file to your clipboardPaste the URL into the body of the requirements page or evidence post.
edprice Almost 3 years ago