Fundamentals in Sentence Writing Strategy (SP)

7. Describe your Coaching

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  • Last updated August 31, 2022 at 7:29 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Submit a description of your coaching with the instructor before and after implementation. What were the successes? What were the challenges? How did the two of you problem solve issues? What Adjustments did you make?
Submit a description of your coaching with the instructor.
  • What were the successes?
  • What were the challenges?
  • How did the two of you problem solve issues?
  • What Adjustments did you make?

All posted evidence

Slide Deck includes completed observation form.

Google Docs

FSW_DescribeCoaching andIMplementation

Fundamentals of Sentence Writing Describe Coaching and Implementation Josefina Miller (Josie)
josie About 1 year ago

Fundamentals of Sentence Writing Strategy Coaching Description - Dr. Phyllis Hill

drphyllishill Over 2 years ago


I was able to work 1:1 with a student during AIS instructional time  as well as push-in to a classroom to work with a variety of students.  Most students were able to move on after worksheet B or C, some rewuirede additional practice and support with additional worksheets.  Due to our transient population, it does present challenges with students starting and ending at various times of the school year.  I was able to meet with Dotti several times thoughout the year to review strategies and ideas.
kgrabove Almost 3 years ago

Lesson Plans explaining plan for instruction included in Google Drive link.


Fundamentals of Sentence Writing - Google Drive

Draft Scale for Fundamentals of Sentence Writing Strategy.docx
loftonls About 3 years ago

Reflection on challenges and successes

brezenski Almost 4 years ago

Process Google Document from Mary Black

Google Docs


I noted you had 15 dates scheduled for teaching, so I'll give you a list of actions you can accomplish over that time period to finish your specialist certification in Fundamentals (FSW) and Proficiency in the Sentence Writing (PSW) Strategies. I believe you may have done some of these tasks: Te...
brezenski Almost 4 years ago

Zoom Presentation Over Time

Patty Kohler-Evans and I co-presented FSW over Zoom in six afterschool sessions for teachers across Arkansas.  This gave teachers time to go back and implement as they learned.  Most of the issues we ran into were Covid-related, with students being out of school for extended periods of time.
mhowie Almost 4 years ago


Google Docs

KU Journal.pdf

abnauman About 5 years ago

Description of instruction of Fundamentals in Sentence Writing

Every other day, after getting a seventh grade language arts classroom welcomed and settled, I instruct the student on, what we call, Mrs. Hogsten's red sentence. The two other teachers and myself instruct the students to open their workbooks to the current page. I refresh the students memory on what we have learned so far using the SIM cue cards and past work exercises. We study the practice sentences together as a class. All teachers walk around and help individual students. I call on individual students to answer questions and participate in the instruction process. Feedback is given to students immediately.
khogsten Over 5 years ago

Detailed description of my instruction

tryan Almost 6 years ago
jclunie Over 7 years ago

The instruction consisted of 20-30 minute sessions 4 times per week in a special education classroom. Coaching was provided on the spot.

The strategy was implemented four times per week from November 2015 to March 2016.  Each session consisted of 20-30 minutes.  Instruction began in November 2015 using lesson one with the students creating posters for their writing folders.  Students created either a flip book or a poster depicting the 5 requirements of a sentence to use as a reference.  Anchor charts with physical and mental action verbs were also created and displayed. The students also made their own posters for “PENS” and “MARK” for their folders. The lessons were presented following the instructional steps in the Fundamentals manual with students completing the learning sheets to mastery.  Each lesson consisted of modeling, think aloud, and student interaction. We followed the “I do”, “we do”, “you do” sequence for gradual release of responsibility.  Students were able to progress through the lessons and learning sheets given immediate and specific feedback on independent practice.  Students were able to progress at their own level of understanding.  Additional posters, flip books, and study aids were added for lessons that addressed linking verbs, infinitives, prepositions, adjectives and adverbs.  The posttest was given in March of 2016 to show growth and progress.  
Dr. James Calder provided coaching during the implementation of this strategy.  The first coaching session was on Lesson 5:  Prepositional Phrases.  He provided on the spot coaching.  He also provided feedback stating that it would be beneficial to the students if I told them I was modeling for them.  We agreed that follow up would consist of monthly check-ins to review progress charts. There were no other concerns noted at this time.  I followed his suggestion in subsequent lessons.  
amyj Almost 8 years ago