Christy Henry


Overall Conference Evaluation

  • October 23, 2015 at 4:05 PM
  • Visible to public
1. Which sessions were MOST beneficial to you?
I truly enjoyed all of it, and the most beneficial sessions to me were the Scientific Argumentation Guide and the Cause and Effect Guide.

2. Which materials were MOST beneficial to you?
During the Kaleidoscope mini-sessions, I appreciated the time with Dr. Schumaker primarily because of the conversation with her and also because of the updated information on Strategies and Bundles.

3/4. Which sessions were LEAST beneficial to you? Which materials were LEAST beneficial to you?
As a first-time Conference Attendee, I don't have any frame of reference - I loved it all.

5. List three skills, ideas, etc. you learned at the update that you are going to implement or integrate into your practice.
I plan to use Dr. Graner's information about Content Enhancement Routines and State Standards with teachers during PLC. I plan to attempt the Scientific Argumentation Guide with a small group of 8th grade ELA students at varied learning levels to see how we can use it to deconstruct persuasive text. I plan to use the Cause and Effect Guide with a group of 6th grade ELA students at varied learning levels to see how we can use it to deconstruct Expository text within a cause and effect organizational pattern.

6. What feedback do you have for session presenters and coordinators?
As a first-time Conference Attendee, I don't have any frame of reference.I appreciate all of the legwork the Region 13 coordinators put into organizing such an informative event! Your Texas hospitality is stellar!As for the session presenters, I have to be honest. I was a little bit star-struck to finally put faces and voices with names that I've been hearing of for the last few years. Their information was presented extremely well and was accessible to all attendees. Their handouts, wisdom, questions, and openness were an incredibly positive experience for me.