Cynthia Alexander

Comment on a Session

Post-Conference Comment

  • July 25, 2022 at 6:05 AM
  • Visible to public
I wish that I had taken the time to look at this requirement more carefully!  I would have taken more pictures and done more screen shots so that I would have had the evidence prepared!  

That's totally on me.

As to Cathy Beachboard's keynote in the live conference period, I have reflected on the idea of hope as the key factor in success, not just in school, but in life!  I wish I had considered this important aspect of teaching in a more focused way when I was still in the classroom, but now I will definitely consider it in all my interactions with people in formal and informal conditions.

Honestly, I have always considered perseverance as key, but how can you persevere if you have no hope?!

And how gracious of Cathy to give us the presentation!  I will be reviewing some of the links!

Thank you for that!