Melissa Wilson

Comment on a Session

Embedding SIM into our Special Education Teacher Licensure Program: Ensuring Quality and Competence

  • July 21, 2021 at 12:08 PM
  • Visible to public
This was one of my favorite sessions of the SIMposium, and I would love to see more of this in Special Education programs across the nation. I am a Learning Strategies trainer and also serve as an assistant principal.  Over the last year, the Exceptional Children's Compliance Manager for my school and I have had numerous conversations about how to meet the needs of students and to intentionally grow them.  As a result, I am going to train some of our current teachers who serve the students in the Exceptional Children's program so that these teachers can begin targeting specific skills that students need.  When I think back to my own collegiate experiences, even graduate school, there are few experiences that I have that I can remember being specifically taught a strategy.  To have more teachers trained in SIM strategies equips them to immediately begin working with a wide variety of students.