Georgie Koenig

Comment on a Session

Education in Finland: What's in it (if anything) for American Educators? - Dr. Oli-Pekka Malinen

  • July 19, 2021 at 11:37 AM
  • Last updated almost 3 years ago
  • Visible to public
Dr. Oli-Pekka Malinen cleared up misconceptions about Finnish education and provided three thought-provoking suggestions for participants to consider. The myths Dr. Malinen busted addressed the concerns I have heard about their success, which according to some educators, nullify any application to American schools. The myth-busting led easily into his suggestions of what American educators might want to consider incorporating from the educational system in Finland. The ideas suggested involve schools and communities. He confirmed what I have thought about school improvement that it is an interwoven system. People's quality of life impacts schools, and the quality of education impacts life outcomes for students.  After his presentation, I am more informed, and I can better address how to improve our education system.