2020 Virtual Update Participant

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  • Last updated September 3, 2019 at 8:28 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
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I was familiar with much of the Science of Reading information. I especially liked Scarborough's Rope and the discussion of integrating SIM.

sim2020 Over 4 years ago

Comment on the Science of Reading

I commented in the discussion board regarding the Science of Reading group and the assignment for that group. I tagged in on a discussion regarding how the intentional use of CERs to enhance the components of language comprehension (i.e., Scarborough's Rope).
kturner63 Over 4 years ago

SIM Writing PD and Instruction in an Online World

I really loved the aha moment of seeing how Tammy used the Theme Writing pretest to evaluate students' sentence and paragraph writing skills in order to meet students where they were, as well and her Writing Intervention Mapping of Lessons and Content. How I wish I'd had that approach with schools I've worked with who needed it all and got bogged down delivering just Sentence Writing to everyone as a prerequisite. I also thought she did a great job of show-casing on-line tools for teaching like Nearpod. I've already shared it with my daughter-in-law, a school-based technology specialist here in Fairfax.

I also really appreciated Janet's exploration of using Content Enhancement organizers as pre-writing tools. I'm hoping to propose professional development along those lines to a school I've worked with that's been looking for writing tools that can be used across the curriculum.
demossburg Over 4 years ago

I posted a recommendation for a session and replied to a comment posted by another attendee.


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cdfraw926 Over 4 years ago

SIM and Dyslexia

I really enjoyed learning about SIM and Dyslexia. I found the data so informative. I also really enjoyed learning about Google Jam Board updates, as we use these at our school.
shawn-scali Over 4 years ago

The Science of Reading Video and White Paper

The Science of Reading Video was so informative. As ELA is my speciality, I found the Science of Reading to reinforce the knowledge I already had but it was also able to extend my understanding of the latest research. I loved the quote, "Every word aspires to be a sight word." The recent brain scans are pushing our understanding of struggling readers too a much deeper level which is so exciting. The article reinforced the content in the video but went deeper. 
deniseb Over 4 years ago

I attended SIM writing PD in an Online world

I attended the session-SIM writing PD in an online world. Tammy and Janet did an outstanding job of extending our understanding of how we can meet the needs of students in writing using SIM LS and CERs.  I was blown away by the number of ideas for the different routines that can support student writing in the content area.  I've already integrated some in my upcoming presentations and coaching.  I'm not certified in LS but the model that Tammy showcased on how to meet individual student needs and move each student forward was effective and efficient.  Tammy also shared lots of online ways to engage students and teachers during class, presentations, and coaching. Fantastic session!
ddp Over 4 years ago

SIM Writing PD & Instruction in an Online World This session was engaging and informative.

ivy21 Over 4 years ago

The Science of Reading

 The Science of Reading session was so valuable! I would love to hear more from the speaker! 
terri-lent Over 4 years ago

Decision Making

Watched Jan's session on Decision Making. This was a review for me as I participated in a session of hers about this topic at the regional update in Charlotte, NC two years ago and purchased the digital Decision Making guidebook. I hope to share this routine with my preservice students in all my methods courses and wanted a refresher.
dminarik Over 4 years ago

Comment on Session

I attended the math session.  Sean and Hanna were great at sharing their examples of CER for math instruction at the high school level.  We need more of these higher-level examples, so teachers can see how CER would make a difference for both teachers and students. 
whm2378 Over 4 years ago

Breakout session for SIM writing

I participated in the breakout session for writing on October 28, 2020.  It was an invaluable session addressing the effective use of LS and CERs to address writing on all levels.  The document for LS per entry levels and instructional planning will be quite useful to me in the work I do with educators.  I will also continue to use the FRAMing Routine with teachers as a planning tool for writing.  If was helpful to see additional routines for writing use as well: Concept Mastery, Question Exploration.  Great session, thanks!
strumbo Over 4 years ago