2017 KUCRL Conference Participant


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  • Last updated July 5, 2017 at 1:26 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Please post your reflections about the 2017 KUCRL Conference.

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Self Determination Learning Model of Instruction and Word Mapping "Routine"

The SDLMI presentation is probably my favorite from the 2017 conference. The model and questions guided me when working with students on goal setting and problem solving so that they are able to take ownership for their actions. It also fits in well with the strengths based approach we use a Westmark School. I am better able to guide students to make choices based on their experiences and preferences. 

Also, Word Mapping presented as a classroom routine for determining how to choose terms and vocabulary and what type of instruction to provide was extremely useful. She included references to Universal Design and explicit instruction and tied in important points from Hattie's research on effective instruction.
kspielman Over 3 years ago

It was great to hear four prominent keynote speakers!

Having the opportunity to hear four dynamic keynote speakers at the conference made it a very worthwhile and memorable event.  Of course, it was wonderful to see and hear Don Deshler at the conference.  His words are always energizing, and it was great to hear about his current work and his reflections on the work that continues at the center.  I was also excited to get the chance to hear and meet Dr. John Hattie….and have him sign my book!  His work on the influences that impact learning and achievement have helped to inform so many teachers (including me) about best practices that should be at the heart of our instruction. Hearing him in person was great!   Dr. Yong Zhao was very entertaining while presenting a new perspective about the importance of nurturing student individuality.  I especially enjoyed his stories about his perspective as they related to his son’s experiences in school.  And, to balance it all out Jim Knight turned our focus to the role of coaching and the strong impact it has at the classroom level.  What great experiences!!
pamleitzell Over 6 years ago

It was different this year having Key Note speakers that discussed globalization of education.It makes one think of how SIM fits within it.

retired6 Almost 7 years ago

Great conference

kucrl Over 7 years ago

This was a wonderful professional learning and networking experience. I came away with many ideas to implement in my work.

jwashburn Over 7 years ago

2017 Learning Conference What Research says about Teaching, Learning, & Leading

This was an excellent conference.  I appreciated the information shared from four amazing Keynote Speakers.  It is always nice to learn from other SIM Professional Developers and hear about the work they are doing.   Thank you to Patty, Mona, and Peony and all the other KUCRL staff for all the work you to make this conference happen every year.  
danamccaleb Over 7 years ago

Excellent conference. Received several items I can implement immediately upon my return. Page County hopes to return next year!

ebenson Over 7 years ago

Sessions Attended

Teaching Narrative Writing presented by Jean Schumaker - I can't wait until the manual comes out in the fall. Jean's session got me excited about teaching students and teachers about Narrative Writing. 

Thanks, Patricia Graner for sharing all of the excellent tools available to SIM PDs. I am thinking about awarding students badges for completing SIM Learning Strategies. 

The Strategic Instruction Model within a Tiered Support System. Patricia Graner's session provided me with additional ideas of how SIM fits within MTSS. 

Sustaining SIM with the online SIM Implementation Toolbox - What a great resource for using during PD sessions and coaching. Thank you, Texas team - Alligood and Black!

gkoenig Over 7 years ago