The session focused first on determining 10-12 specific vocabulary words related to a unit of study using Beck's tiered approach. Once the words were selected participants then tried to determine which Learning Strategy would be most effective in teaching the specific words, Word Mapping or LINCS. Small groups engaged in dialogue in order to make these determinations. As a large group, we then shared and conversed about the choices.
The presenter, Monica Simon, surfaced our background knowledge, kept the group engaged throughout the session and provided research information that deepened understanding. When I left the session, I felt like I had tools to make the differentiated selection of academic material and specific learning strategy to facilitate student learning.
The presenter, Monica Simon, surfaced our background knowledge, kept the group engaged throughout the session and provided research information that deepened understanding. When I left the session, I felt like I had tools to make the differentiated selection of academic material and specific learning strategy to facilitate student learning.