Dianna Herring

5. Describe Their Implementation

LINCing Routine observation of Mrs. Moltz at Gandy Elementary in White Hall School District

  • August 15, 2018 at 1:03 PM
  • Visible to public
I coached Mrs. Moltz in using the LINCing routine with her 2nd grade class.  She used the strategy in her science lesson.  The lesson focused on states of matter as they relate to crayons and how they are made.  Because this was the first time she used the routine, she gave each student a copy of the table and also created a class copy.  Students struggled somewhat with how to create the story.  Mrs. Moltz did allow each student to create his/her own story.  Future plans include allowing students to create their own reminding word.  She plans to use the strategy mainly in science and social studies, but will slowly implement it in the literacy block as well.