Vocabulary LINCing Routine (SP)

5. Describe Their Implementation

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  • Last updated August 30, 2022 at 12:26 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Describe implementation in the instructor's class with student(s) What were the successes? What were the challenges? How did the two of you problem solve the issues? What adjustments did you make?

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Table constructed while teaching the term: decipher. During the lesson I reminded her to underline the key words in the definition. After the lesson we debriefed & determined the students struggled to understand the definition and will benefit from simple definitions.

lisa0513 28 days ago

Describe Your Teacher's Instruction

agranata1 Over 4 years ago


I met with teachers to show them this routine. I explained the research and rationale behind it. I modeled the steps and then gave them time to try it. We used the device checklists to check the fidelity. They are going to try using it in their classrooms and then I will be following up with support. 
melissaklug About 5 years ago

This is a link to my Google Folder for Describe Your Implementation.

jmcmahna321 Almost 6 years ago

Vocabulary LINCing Routine - 7th Graders

bearcat52 Almost 6 years ago

Vocabulary LINCing Routine - 7th Graders

bears2018 Almost 6 years ago

Description of implementation with students

SIM, Content Enhancement Routine - Vocabulary LINCing Routine worked with 57 seventh grade students during the month of April, 2019. 


Introduction to the Strategic Instruction Model
Explicit teaching using the Gradual Release Model - Vocabulary LINCing Routine
Embedding the  Cue-Do-Review Sequence
Use of the LINCs table for authentic, content specific vocabulary
Collaboration (partner work and independent work ) with share out following
The Self-Test Forwards and Self-Test Backwards were beneficial for students - - and they seemed to enjoy the protocol
Students enjoyed the mix of different learning experiences the Routine offers


The biggest challenge with these seventh graders, and we witnessed the challenge in all three sections in which we presented, was identifying the reminding word. Even after the presentation, two students still used nonsense words as their reminding words; some others didn't meet the criteria for a reminding word.  As we supervised their practice, we were able to have conversations and get them to a good reminding word of their choosing. Relying on the cue cards and covering up word parts helped them to 'see' appropriate words. 

They were unaccustomed to doing the routine, so some students, when left to complete an entire device on their own, required prodding.

Not enough share out time. It got better as the students became more familiar and confident in the Routine's components. 

We problem-solved challenges by conducting question and answer sessions regularly with students. Formative assessments along the way let us know areas in which we needed to re-teach or address. 

Adjustments - Pacing; we had to speed it up to give students more share out time at the end of the class. We decided to hand out resources (cue cards, blank LINCs tables, etc.) in one stack for each student rather than the non-presenter continuously walking around handing out papers.
bearcat52 Almost 6 years ago

Description of implementation with students

SIM, Content Enhancement Routine - Vocabulary LINCing Routine worked with 57 seventh grade students during the month of April, 2019. 


Introduction to the Strategic Instruction Model
Explicit teaching using the Gradual Release Model - Vocabulary LINCing Routine
Embedding the  Cue-Do-Review Sequence
Use of the LINCs table for authentic, content specific vocabulary
Collaboration (partner work and independent work ) with share out following
The Self-Test Forwards and Self-Test Backwards were beneficial for students - - and they seemed to enjoy the protocol
Students enjoyed the mix of different learning experiences the Routine offers


The biggest challenge with these seventh graders, and we witnessed the challenge in all three sections in which we presented, was identifying the reminding word. Even after the presentation, two students still used nonsense words as their reminding words; some others didn't meet the criteria for a reminding word.  As we supervised their practice, we were able to have conversations and get them to a good reminding word of their choosing. Relying on the cue cards and covering up word parts helped them to 'see' appropriate words. 

They were unaccustomed to doing the routine, so some students, when left to complete an entire device on their own, required prodding.

Not enough share out time. It got better as the students became more familiar and confident in the Routine's components. 

We problem-solved challenges by conducting question and answer sessions regularly with students. Formative assessments along the way let us know areas in which we needed to re-teach or address. 

Adjustments - Pacing; we had to speed it up to give students more share out time at the end of the class. We decided to hand out resources (cue cards, blank LINCs tables, etc.) in one stack for each student rather than the non-presenter continuously walking around handing out papers. 

bears2018 Almost 6 years ago

Vocabulary LINCing CER

April 3-4, 2018 - PD at UCA
April 6, 2018 - corresponded with Susan Nelson, Principal at Horatio Elementary School- set meeting date for Wednesday, April 11 to plan.
April 9, 2018 - Studies the Vocab LINCing Routine - met with Karen Harris to process - organized my materials - emailed Debbie Fleming about going to Horatio Elementary
April 11, 2018 - met with principal and classroom teacher Christy George - we reviewed the VL CER and made plans for me to use the device with 3 classes on Tuesday, April 24, 2018. She also had a student teacher who would benefit from seeing the routine and device. At 1:15 that afternoon, I met with Ms. George and her student intern - made a plan for Tuesday, April 24 - beginning at 8:30
April 18 - co planned with colleague 
April 20 - emailed principal and classroom teacher for class schedule:
Class 1:  8:30
Class 2:  9:30
Class 3:  After lunch and recess (ends at 1:35)

April 19-20, 2018 - developed VL lesson plan using Coretools - created a mini-lesson that will complement the Poetry unit of study in which the classes are currently working; The students will be writing original poems to submit to a National Poetry Contest. The lesson I planned is attached as evidence.
cechols Almost 6 years ago

Implementation Description

The Content Enhancement Vocabulary Lincing table was used in two collaborative English classes and two self- contained class. I was trained 7/2017 and conducted my first professional development 1/11/18. I have been implementing this tool since 2017.
rodslynb About 6 years ago

The classroom teacher was instructing students during a poetry unit and encouraged students to enter a poetry contest.

The classroom teacher and I, along with a teacher intern, co-planned a Vocab LINCing lesson to foster and enhance the students' preparation for reading and ultimately writing their own original poems. Successes included three groups of students being highly engaged in the routine while learning new vocabulary words such as fester, imagery, and deferred. Students created their own LINCs tables abiding by the routine. The only issues were the time it took for students to create the tables. The teachers and I resolved the issue of teaching words out of context by including the poem "A Dream Deferred" by Langston Hughes in the lesson. Our pre-planning was invaluable and resulted in an effective lesson for students.
cechols Over 6 years ago

August 28, 2018 Har-Ber High School, Springdale, AR Newcomers-Struggling Readers

During one of my professional development trainings during the summer, I was invited by Mrs. Nance to demonstrate the routine to students. We scheduled August 28, 2018 for me to come demonstrate the routine with a wide range of students from newcomers (little to no English language) to struggling readers without disabilities. 

 Ahead of time the teachers provided me with a short list of words that I used to created my models. The purpose in this was to use words that were relevant to the students' current learning. 

During the newcomers class, the teachers intervened with me to help facilitate the language barrier so that the students could practice the routine. 

In each class, the teachers were very interactive with the modeling process and giving feedback to students as we circulated the room. I was careful to explain the importance of each step. 

I gathered artifacts by taking photos of student work and the models I used to adjust for different learning levels in each classroom. 
judyf Over 6 years ago