Vocabulary LINCing Routine (SP)

3. Instruct a Teacher

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  • Last updated August 30, 2022 at 12:26 PM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Guide another instructor through the Routine in its entirety. Help them to follow the instructional steps in the manual.

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November 1 - December 2, 2024

November 1, 2024, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.  Jessica Brakebill  Rachel Atkinson

  • Thank Jessica and Rachel for partnering with me.
  • Explain SIM and Vocabulary LINCing Routine

  • Discuss the process:
  1. Plan an opportunity for a lesson
  2. I will model the  first lesson, and depend on you for classroom management and individual student needs.
  3. Engage in a reflection conversation after the lesson
  4. Gradual release to you to teach Vocabulary LINCing lesson
  5. Provide support with Vocab. LINCing till implementing with fidelity
  6. Choose another routine
  • What questions might I answer?
  • What data can I collect for you?
    • Look at our calendars and set dates (Completion date December 11th)
    • Questions to help with planning
    Can you tell me about the main objectives or goals of your upcoming lessons?
    What specific skills or knowledge do you hope your students will gain from these lessons?
    Knowing the skills targeted will guide which routine could support skill-building effectively.
    Which Arkansas Standards will these lessons address?
    This will ensure that the routine chosen aligns directly with state standards and meets necessary benchmarks.
    Are there any particular concepts that your students tend to find challenging in this unit?
    Understanding these challenges can help in selecting a routine that might support comprehension and retention.
    What strategies or instructional approaches have you found to be successful with this group of students?
    Could you describe the range of learning needs in your classroom, including any specific accommodations or supports for students? elementary - 1-2 grade levels behind expecatio
    What are your students’ strengths, and how do they typically engage with content?
    Identifying strengths and engagement styles can help tailor leverage these positive behaviors and skills.
    How do your students currently work with new vocabulary and content-specific language? Is there a specific area where you’d like additional support, such as improving reading comprehension, problem-solving, or note-taking?
    Knowing areas of interest can guide the selection of a routine that aligns with her instructional goals.
    Are there any classroom management considerations or unique classroom dynamics you’d like me to be aware of as we plan the model lesson?
    This will help you adapt the routine for smooth implementation, considering the dynamics of the classroom.
    November 12, 2024 Lesson Modeled for Brakebill with her 5th period class. After the lesson we discussed key elements of the routine.  Terminology: we want to ensure we use consistent terminology that students understand.  Definition: keep it brief, underline the most critical words in the definition and ensure for student understanding. Reminding Word: is an auditory clue that reminds them of the new term. Must sound similar to par or all of the new term, must be a word whose meaning is very familiar to students. LINCing Story: contains the reminding word, contains the meaning of the new term in some way, sometimes contains the new term, is always short and simple. LINCing Picture: is a visual memory link for the new term. Depicts the definition, contains a part related to rhe reminding work and must help the student remember the new term’s definition. Speech or thought bubbles are beneficial! Use the Cue-Do-Review Sequence p. 10 & 11. Self test with the students forward and backwards p. 13. 
  •  Mrs. Brakebill will co-teach with me on November 18, 2024 We discussed the terms for next week and developed the lesson together November 18th We developed the table together and used a turkey in the term reaping, since it was almost Thanksgiving break. December 2, 2024I reviewed the Google Slides w/ LINCs with Table with Mrs. Brakebill to understand the Vocabulary LINCing routine, successful use of the routine and the need for fidelity.   We discussed the purpose and order.  Students responded to what each # contains                 Term, definition, reminding words w/what makes a good reminding word, story what makes a good story, picture what makes a good picture Students had tables at desk. Term 1: Ghoulish  Wrote and discussed the term. Definition: Morbidly interested in death or disaster. Asked if they understand? Told a personal story to connect.(Eerily)  Don’t be afraid to change the definition to simpler words or ChatGPT it. “Don’t forget to underline the important words in the definition.” David had a ghoulish interest in Titanic ghosts. Does this check our boxes for reminding story and picture. Told a connecting story about a former student that had a ghoulish fascination with ghosts from Titanic. What picture can we draw? Gave suggestions. Drew student thinking with word bubble asking if they are dead? Made a connection between an interest and what goes beyond an interest to a ghoulish Term 2:  Callousness What do we know about the suffix -ness  discussed callous first.   Definition: Insensitive (not caring) & cruel disregard for others.  Underlined words Insensitive, cruel, disregard others Reminding word:  Louse  Lincing story: The cruel louse showed no regard for my sleep.  
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1. Instruct a Teacher

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