Stephanie Ide

6. Submit a Log

UO Log

  • May 14, 2019 at 9:14 AM
  • Visible to public
Unit Organizer LogThe Unit Organizer is a great tool to help plan “Year 2 P2G Implementation”.  Taking on a second school can feel overwhelming, but utilizing the UO may help us, and also the new LEA, to see the big picture and ensure all team players feel at ease with the new initiative.    

One challenge we encountered was that we have not yet started to use this routinely because we have not selected our year 2 school yet. Regardless, we will still plan to use the same time frame and can add specifics/additional questions and make adjustments once we are officially working with them.    

Practicing using this tool in our own research and planning has made us feel more comfortable and confident with it, and we’re looking forward to using it with students during the 19-20 school year.