Unit Organizer Routine (FI)

6. Submit a Log

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  • Last updated July 29, 2020 at 8:52 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Log: •What went well - Why? •What was a challenge - Why? •What you will do next time •What adjustments you made •Ideas generated for issues encountered •Etc._Post your log._*****Optional: Submit a Student Interview (interview a student about usefulness and implementation)*****
Log: What went well - Why?
What was a challenge - Why?
What you will do next time
What adjustments you made
Ideas generated for issues encountered

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Copy the public URL of your uploaded file to your clipboard
Paste the URL into the body of the requirements page or evidence post.  When you hit save the URL will automatically be turned into a link.
It's useful to then click on the link and make sure everything works as desired.

All posted evidence

This log covers my first attempt at unit organizers--Ancient China and my current one-the Holocaust.

Google Docs

Unit Organizer Log-Dawn Schlick

Dawn Schlick Unit Organizer CER Portfolio of Implementation Log Timeline August 2022 August 2022 Training and writing of first unit organizer Sept-Oct. 2022 Introduced students to Big Ideas of Social Sciences Unit Organizer Nov. 2022-Jan. 2023 Students worked through the Ancient C...
dawn-schlick About 2 years ago

This log covers my first attempt at unit organizers--Ancient China and my current one-the Holocaust.

Google Docs

Unit Organizer Log-Dawn Schlick

Dawn Schlick Unit Organizer CER Portfolio of Implementation Log Timeline August 2022 August 2022 Training and writing of first unit organizer Sept-Oct. 2022 Introduced students to Big Ideas of Social Sciences Unit Organizer Nov. 2022-Jan. 2023 Students worked through the Ancient C...
dawn-schlick About 2 years ago


Very challenging to implement virtually.  Would be helpful if there was electronic versions.  
dcullen About 3 years ago

Log- 11/21

What went well - Why?
In finally teaching the Unit Organizer, it went well, however, drafting this device was really a challenge. This is not something that I will use regularly in my role as a consultant or in the type of work that I usually do. You really need to use this to plan around a unit that has ongoing learning, and I seldom do this in my current role.
What was a challenge - Why?

The challenge came in when I was trying to create and design a unit without any curriculum or resources. It felt very forced. However, I can see that this would help teachers with the content they may be teaching in their classrooms.
What you will do next time
I would want to use the UO with a subject area text or an area in which I need to explain an overview of a unit.
What adjustments you made
I had to change the categories multiple times, to ensure that they read with the relationships in a clear sentence and made sense.
kirsten-deroche About 3 years ago

Unit Organizer Log

What went well - Why?
- I felt the lesson flowed well because the tool was easy to use. What was a challenge - Why?
- Creating a draft of the organizer was a challenge (it took numerous revisions) because it forced me to analyze and summarize the content. What you will do next time? 
-It would be nice to use this device with content from a student curriculum (I used content from a professional development session). 
mlord Over 4 years ago


What went well 
The Unit Organizer was a good tool for teaching and learning about Zoom. The Unit Organizer helped the student understand, not only how to organize information for her students, but to understand new content for herself. 

What was a challenge
A challenge was that both the student and I were not used to teaching and learning online. The Unit Organizer is easier to use, in my opinion, when you can write on it directly instead of having to type in smaller boxes in live time while teaching. 

What you will do next time •
Next time, I would like to teach this in person so I can both see and hear her and also see what she is writing at the same time. 

What adjustments you made
The adjustments I made were screen sharing with Zoom. Although I would like to be able to see her, it was more important for her to see where I was writing the content. Next time, I would also have her share her screen so I could check her content as well. 
melissaklug Almost 5 years ago

Updated SMART Moves Document

laurens About 5 years ago

Log 2-

I am feeling like it is hard to identify the ways as consultants use these, but we are identifying them as useful for during series training.  
lckbolla Over 5 years ago

The Unit Organizer

The Unit Organizer is not something I would use on a routine basis because as a consultant I usually only have participants for one session.  I do see the value of teachers utilizing it on a consistent basis for organization of information and student engagement.
jsharrow Almost 6 years ago

UO Log

Unit Organizer LogThe Unit Organizer is a great tool to help plan “Year 2 P2G Implementation”.  Taking on a second school can feel overwhelming, but utilizing the UO may help us, and also the new LEA, to see the big picture and ensure all team players feel at ease with the new initiative.    

One challenge we encountered was that we have not yet started to use this routinely because we have not selected our year 2 school yet. Regardless, we will still plan to use the same time frame and can add specifics/additional questions and make adjustments once we are officially working with them.    

Practicing using this tool in our own research and planning has made us feel more comfortable and confident with it, and we’re looking forward to using it with students during the 19-20 school year.  
side Almost 6 years ago


What went well - Why?
By using the Unit Organizer, students were able to visually see what they would be learning about during a unit.  They seemed to like having an advanced understanding of the content they would be covering for the unit. 

What was a challenge - Why?
When I was a high school teacher, a challenge was having students keep up with their Unit Organizers.  We would often revisit the Unit Organizer questions and I found some students often lost it. 

What adjustments you made
An adjustment I made as a classroom teacher was to make sure I hole punched the Unit Organizer and had the students place it in their binders so that it could be easily found and not lost.
s-graham Almost 6 years ago

Implementation Log

The unit organizer is easy to facilitate at teachers like the big picture.  What I find the most difficult is the transitions.  We have a hard time coming up with the best language to "form a sentence" on the fly.  I am thinking I might have a bit of a "word bank" to help facilitate the responses. 
lckbolla Almost 6 years ago