The implementation of the Unit Organizer overall went really well. I utilized it during a PD I was delivering for a staff of 65 special education paraprofessionals on Presuming Mathematical Competence in Problem Solving. I followed the Cue, Do, Review while implementing this routine. Overall the unit organizer worked very well. It helped to create a clear visual for the teachers of the 3 areas that provide students with the ability to learn problem solving skills. When asked if the unit organizer was helpful, the staff overall felt like it was very helpful in providing a visual of information discussed. When I did the unit organizer routine with the staff, I provided the title and the "is about" and then we co-created the 3 bubbles of communication, accessibility and community. We created meaning under each bubble that helped the paraprofessionals establish how each really provided students the ability to learn problem solving skills. The next time I use the routine, I would try not providing the bubbles, but allowing the staff to come up with them on their own after providing the PD. There wasn't any challenge I felt for this routine. It really helped the participants lay out the big ideas in a visual way.