Unit Organizer Routine (FI)

5. Submit Implementation Portfolio

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated July 29, 2020 at 8:52 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Describe: •Group/Student (size, level, student characteristics, etc.) •Length of implementation (days, weeks, months, amount of time per day, days per week, etc.) Include artifacts: •Your draft and final devices •Student devices without student names (HALO) •Post your implementation portfolio
To post, upload your PDF or document using a file sharing app (such as Dropbox, Google Drive or something simpler like File Dropper)
Copy the public URL of your uploaded file to your clipboard
Paste the URL into the body of the requirements page or evidence post.  When you hit save the URL will automatically be turned into a link.
It's useful to then click on the link and make sure everything works as desired.

All posted evidence

PA SIM for P2G SMART Moves Document for 30 days-June/July 2018


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apastorella Over 6 years ago



Meet Google Drive - One place for all your files

Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage - free.
laurienewsome Over 6 years ago

Smart Moves for First 30 days (June 7th - October 2nd, 2018). We did not count summer days.

kneifer23 Over 6 years ago

Smart Moves/IU 19 6/5/2018

Google Docs


IMPLEMENTATION Elements *Focus: Unit Organizer 10 days 6/5/18 to 6/15/18 20 days _/_/ 18 to _/_/ 18 30 days _/_/ 18 to _/_/18 Our major focus Explore the P2G team folder Revisit Content Enhancement (Unit Organizer / Framing Routine) & TT / SW Strategies Select potential partner s...
btl Over 6 years ago

SMART MOVES / IU19 / 6.5.18

Google Docs


IMPLEMENTATION Elements *Focus: Unit Organizer 10 days 6/5/18 to 6/15/18 20 days _/_/ 18 to _/_/ 18 30 days _/_/ 18 to _/_/18 Our major focus Explore the P2G team folder Revisit Content Enhancement (Unit Organizer / Framing Routine) & TT / SW Strategies Select potential partner s...
mlheron Over 6 years ago

SMART Moves document

edna-black Over 6 years ago

Student device


Meet Google Drive - One place for all your files

Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage - free.
sstrickland Almost 7 years ago

Final device Unit 3 Polynomials


Meet Google Drive - One place for all your files

Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage - free.
sstrickland Almost 7 years ago

Implementation Portfolio

This was a group of 18 10th grade students,  4 of which are ESE.  
This unit was over 4 weeks, classes are 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

sstrickland Almost 7 years ago

Implementation Portfolio

I have implemented the UO Routine throughout the year at the beginning of each thematic unit of World Geography-- Physical Geog., Human Geog., and Economic Geog. I have 4 sections of co-taught World Geography; each section has a class size of 16-20 students. We have 3 English language learners and 18 special education students across the 4 classes. The disability categories include SLD, OHI, and AUT.
When we begin a new UO, it typically takes about 45 minutes. We use a few minutes each day to add to the UO as we progress through the units. The students also use the UO independently at the end of the unit to review for assessments and complete other assignments.
We use this routine in conjunction with the Framing Routine for all of our classes and have been very pleased with our students' scores on the unit assessments.
tammie29 About 7 years ago

Link to Google Drive of documentation of UO usage.

Student device