SIM Content Enhancement Professional Developer

6. Data Driven Planning

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  • Last updated December 4, 2020 at 8:43 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Create a written plan demonstrating use of student data to determine selection of SIM instructional tools or interventions.

All posted evidence

Data-Driven Planning - K. Heinz

kheinz1975 8 months ago

Data Meeting with District Leadership Team

dawn-schlick1 12 months ago

During our discussion in Hernando county we used the SPP/APR report for the previous school year. This helped us zone in on Science teachers

gobenj Over 1 year ago

Data-driven planning.

nguyenheather Over 1 year ago

SIM Change Agent Assignment - PCMS Science

Google Docs

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Opening "SIMâ„¢Change Agent PCMS Science- Amanda.pptx" in Google Slides. This could take a few moments.
ajlinneweber Almost 2 years ago

6. Data Driven Planning folder in drive.

renee-smith About 2 years ago

Data Driven Planning from VaLI - Summer 2019

The data-driven planning requirement was completed during the VaLi training with Helen Barrier and Dana McCaleb in the summer of 2019.  I can also upload that information if necessary, but I was told that it was already taken care of during my participation in the leadership academy.
smiter02 Almost 3 years ago

Greenbrier School Improvement Plan & Data Charts

lindsay-griffin About 3 years ago

This section explains the data that has informed decisions about SIM at Matoaca Middle School.

Matoaca Middle School is accredited with warning in English specifically in the areas of students with disabilities, black students, and students who are economically disadvantaged based on our SOL data from the past 3 years. This has led to a school-wide implementation of SIM in English, science, and social studies. For this reason, routines such as Unit Organizer and FRAME are used in multiple content areas. Other routines such as Concept Anchoring, Concept Comparison, etc. are utilized by various teachers who are trained to use them. Unit Organizer helps students understand and organize big ideas and make connections, which are skills necessary for proficient readers and writers. 

SIM as a whole also promotes equity among our student population, which is especially important because our data shows that not all students are mastering the content. Implementing SIM school-wide ensures that all students are receiving the necessary literacy instruction they need to succeed. 
kjhunter614 Over 3 years ago

This was not part of my original to do list for my apprenticeship.

mclark Over 3 years ago


tammy-dehaven Almost 4 years ago

Literacy Data

tammy-dehaven Almost 4 years ago