Cynthia Soueidan

1. Date and Reflection

PD 7/19/2017, VDOE Excellence in Co-Teaching Initiative, Summer Institute

  • September 11, 2017 at 5:15 PM
  • Visible to public
I used the framing routine in a guided exercise where I reviewed the different approaches to co-teaching.  I was able to focus on main ideas (station, parallel, and alternative) with details for each idea.  I thought it was important to understand that using different co-teaching methods can increase teaching intensity.  After working through the guided instruction, I independently created a FRAME routine for the key topic of "Source Finding and Analysis."  I labelled my main ideas as Databases, Google/Internet, and Bias/Veracity.  My thinking was that, as I present a Research unit, I need to teach the specific databases used by our school library (Destiny, InfoBase, Gale Group, and Issues and Controversies).  Then, I needed to teach Google/Internet strategies such as using Google Scholar, Reducing hits/narrowing topics, and using Boolean logic as a search method.  Last, I needed to teach students to see bias and check for source veracity.  Under this main idea, they must learn to spot:  author/date, sponsors/multiple sources/references, grammar/spelling, tone/verbs which reveal bias, and consider the ideas of fake news vs. real news.  Ultimately, students must understand that with information at our fingertips, we must, more than ever before, analyze information before presenting it as fact.