Concept Mastery Routine (FI)

3. Co-Construct and Instruct

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  • Last updated July 28, 2020 at 9:48 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Co-construct and instruct with the Concept Diagram using the Cue-Do-Review steps with a group or class. Follow the Get Set section to introduce the Concept Diagram to students.
Co-construct and instruct with the Concept Diagram using the Cue-Do-Review steps with a group or class.  Follow the Get Set section (pp. 20 - 26) to introduce the Concept Diagram to students.
  • Cue: p. 22
  • Do: pp. 22 - 25
  • Review: pp. 25-26

All posted evidence

Co-Construct/Instruct Concept Diagram - Intellectual Disability

I instructed my college students the importance of developing good study habits to have an impact on their overall success in college.

Teacher Script & Student Co-constructed Copy

Teacher Script - p. 1
Student Co-constructed Copy - p. 3
mindy2610 Over 7 years ago

See link below for video

See Link

These are the "blown Up" versions that I used to have the students sort.
betsey-batten Almost 8 years ago

Concept Mastery Routine video

mkalowe Almost 8 years ago

Co-construct and instruct concept diagram

A copy of the student's diagram

Co-Construct and Instruct Cue-Do-Review Sequence for Reading Comprehension of Nonfiction and Fiction

In using the Concept Mastery Routine with nonfiction and fiction, I wanted to illustrate the characteristics of both in hopes that the students would be able to read a passage, see the characteristics, and identify it as nonfiction or fiction. In explaining this with the students during the Cue portion, I pointed out that as they read passages on the SOL test, they are not specified as nonfiction or fiction. They need to be able to identify which one it is to aid in their comprehension of the passage and be more successful on the test.

As we completed the Concept Mastery Routine together, the students used prior knowledge to develop key words. I also reminded them of various passages we had read to help them think of new key words. Once we completed this section, they worked in small groups to classify these key words, and then we came together as a whole group to check their work. I had them do the same with creating examples and nonexamples. I then gave them new items to practice with individually and checked them as I walked around the room. I had to give them more guidance in developing the definition to be sure it included all of the vital information. 

Since we have completed these Concept Mastery Routines, each time we read a passage, I ask the students to look for the characteristics and identify the passage as nonfiction or fiction. It seems to have greatly increased their understanding of the two.

abarbour Almost 8 years ago

Co-construct and instruct Cue-Do-Review Sequence for Reading Comprehension of Fiction and Nonfiction

Cue - Students were told that they would use the CMR to complete Concept Diagrams for nonfiction and fiction in aiding reading comprehension.  We did separate diagrams for each.

Do - As a class, we co-constructed Concept Diagrams for reading comprehension of nonfiction and fiction separately.  By doing this, students were able to recognize the differences in characteristics for each.  

Review - Reading Comprehension was the targeted concept for this lesson.  By going through the process of completing the Concept Diagrams for both nonfiction and fiction, students can focus on the various characteristics presented in reading passages to determine if they are nonfiction or fiction.  Once they are able to recognize if a passage is nonfiction or fiction, they can use the characteristics they have identified to better understand what they are reading and apply this knowledge to correctly answer questions when assessed.
amywhittaker Almost 8 years ago

Summary of our cue, do, review using the Concept Mastery Diagram in a 7th grade history class.

Cue: We cued the class that they are going to review for their test on immigration to the U.S. after Civil War using the Concept Mastery Routine.  We explained that it should help them review the concepts they were getting ready to be tested on and that if they have a firm definition for this concept that they would own it.  

Do: We walked students through each part of the Concept Mastery Diagram together as a class.  Throughout this process, we were able to have a class discussion about each of the different aspects of immigration.

Review: After we completed the Concept Mastery Diagram we reviewed what was on the diagram and asked questions to check for understanding.  Students then took the unit test.
tweis Almost 8 years ago