Clarifying Routine (SP)

4. Describe your Coaching

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  • Last updated August 30, 2022 at 12:07 PM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Submit a description of your coaching with the instructor before and after implementation. What were the successes? What were the challenges? How did the two of you problem solve issues? What Adjustments did you make?

All posted evidence

Dave and I met with David and Ron to explain the Concept Mastery Routine. We showed them blank copies, our copy, and math examples.

rwykes Almost 8 years ago

Rosanne and I met with David and Ron to explain the Concept Mastery Routine. We showed them blank copies, our copy, and math examples.

dmarino Almost 8 years ago

Math 6 co-teaching team

We presented the graphic organizer to our fellow math 6 teaching team. We had talked about the graphic organizer before to them when we used it with our class on several occasions.  We gave them the book to review prior to our meeting.  After discussing and presenting examples, they decided to complete their example using the concept of properties.  They learned quickly.  The routine did not present any real challenges.  We had a good discussion regarding the always and sometimes  concepts.  We put our heads together and came up with the solution that we all agreed upon.  
brennanarney Almost 8 years ago

coaching 6th grade math team

We coached the 6th grade math co-teaching team, Kristin Lowe and Christina Taylor.  They were presented several examples of the Routine.  We then allowed them to pick a topic to create their own routine.  They choose properties.  I feel the coaching went very well.  They seemed to catch on to the development of the Routine easily.  The challenges were in finding the always and sometimes.  We were trying to gear the Routine just to the properties presented in 6th grade math only.  We just kept discussing it and throwing out ideas. 
virginia Almost 8 years ago