Upload a graphic on plagiarism

Tell what app or tool you used

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  • Last updated January 16, 2017 at 3:51 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Tell what app or tool you used and what you thought of it.

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I didn't use an app to create this, I used Microsoft word and added a clip art from ClipSign.com
kayley_vargas Almost 7 years ago


I used google search bar 
jessicab Almost 7 years ago

I used Google to search for pictures and used Word to make the collage.

The reason why I used Google and Word is because most students use these tools to get their work done. 
gigi_05 Almost 7 years ago

For this badge, I used google search engine and typed in Plagiarism in Art and it gave me good examples.

gabearred97 Almost 7 years ago

I used snapchat to create my image.

I used Snapchat in order to create the image that I posted. It has my bitmoji, along with the word "plagiarism" with a big crossed out circle through it. 
sparchim Almost 7 years ago

I used google to show a checklist which makes anyone aware on things you should cite, not cite, and things you should not do in general.

stephanielm22 Almost 7 years ago

For this badge I used Google search engine.

mariana539 Almost 7 years ago

Search engine used: Google.

I used Google search engine as it was simpler and the image portrayed the representation that I found fitting to plagiarism. The image basically shows what happens in an event you were to copy word for word, but also an example of a minor punishment as there are much worse scenarios.
lengvng25 Almost 7 years ago

I used Google to search to find an imagine that had good information on one single imagine but simple to understand.

gregoria Almost 7 years ago

I used Pinterest to find an example

I used Pinterest to find these pictures. I love following small Instagram accounts that post  artwork. There has been too many times where I see a small artwork pages call out big companies like Forever 21 and Zara for stealing designs, plagiarizing and using it for their own benefit without crediting the original owner. 
mabel_21 Almost 7 years ago

App Used

I actually found this graphic on Pinterest which ironically, is a treasure trove full of plagiarized pictures, quotes, recipes, and ideas in general. I thought this graphic was interesting because a lot of people aren't clear on what plagiarism actually is and how easy it is to take someone else's work and pass it off as your own. The different boxes in the graphic show examples of one quote and how plagiarizing isn't just not putting quotations, it could also be using someone else's ideas and saying they're your own. I also think all students should take a course on both grammar and plagiarizing as a refresher. 
pbell5 Almost 7 years ago

Easy Bib

I used the website EasyBIb to help me cite my sources for my paper. 
sam2525 Almost 7 years ago