Upload a graphic on plagiarism

Tell what app or tool you used

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  • Last updated January 16, 2017 at 3:51 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Tell what app or tool you used and what you thought of it.

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I used google for this. Google is somewhere we can look up anything and everything. But we need to cite and be truthful where we get some of the ideas we use in our work. 
baileyosmer Almost 7 years ago
nancyl28 Almost 7 years ago

I used the word it out website we used earlier in the semester.

I used the word it out website we used earlier in the semester. It's a easy way to present key words and ideas that related to plagiarism. 
davidpena3 Almost 7 years ago

I used Canva for my plagiarism poster.

laurelmaunder Almost 7 years ago

https://goo.gl/images/MQ5HfG I found this image on Google that states how to avoid plagiarism and it also teaches the different types

adrianl13 Almost 7 years ago


I used the online tool PicMonkey at https://www.picmonkey.com ;
bianca-espinoza Almost 7 years ago

Plagiarism app

I made this slide on power point.
marlenin8 Almost 7 years ago


angieangelique Almost 7 years ago

I used google image alot of plagarism can occur by googling it and making it your own

Google is very common and alot of people can copy someone else's work all they got to do is copy it and make it their own
stacyb8672 Almost 7 years ago

I used Google to research and Google Slides to create it

kaylagalet1 Almost 7 years ago
I used Word it Out for this badge. We used this website earlier in the semester and it was simple and easy to use. Additionally, they provide various fonts and text to use which makes the experience more creative and en joyful. Lastly, it gets the job done with no problems at all. 
raymundo7 Almost 7 years ago

Google Slides

The tool that I used to make this was google slides
desireyr Almost 7 years ago