Jo Co Personalized Learning Foundations

Student Ownership Reflection Component (Module 3)

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated May 7, 2018 at 11:12 AM by david-hinrichs
  • Evidence only visible to group members
Your question that you answer will differ in you learning reflection depending on which option that you choose to pursue. Note: These are in the Canvas course. 
When uploading documents and artifacts, please include your option number in the file name. For example, if you choose to complete option 2 from the following choices, name your implementation documents "option 2" followed by the file name.

  • Write your reflection in a google doc and share the link in Badgelist. 
  • Upload a video of your reflection.
Reminder if you upload a google document as an artifact, be sure to share it so anyone in JCPS with the link can view.