From the opening kenote session, several phases resonated with me...
Having students being mindful of why they are making.
How do we get them to be critical of their process? "Humble question prompts"
Skillful questioning from the teachers, or mentors, that get students to ask questions of themselves.
Loved: HOMAGO! Hanging out, messing around, geeking out! Need to spend informal time with the kids while they are engaged in "informal learning" so conversations can take place. Drop in the questions (those humble prompts) such as, "Could you make a mistake?"
From the closing keynote, I loved the slide that referred to your MakerSpaces to be "Anything your patrons and you want them to be."
Fabulous examples for digital makerspaces could be included on a website, such as tutorials or how to's. I would love to make some videos for my website / for my students!
Loved the green screen pizza boxes and want to try them with my CCTV kids.
The mobile making examples (Legos, yarn, 3D printing, etc) with QR code on top shelf or Maker Parties in a Box seem like a great way to store and make "making activities" available and accessible for classrooms to check out and share.
I especially loved the Lego wall she created from an old white board. I have an old easel which is not being used, but I think I will buy Lego flats and glue them to it to create my own portable Lego walls! I also plan to use her idea of a Lite-bright wall (minus the electricity) and use pegs + pool noodles. Wonderful low-tech modifications that are also ADA compliant.
Both keynotes were inspiring and encouraging. I feel better equipped to meet with my principal to come up with a starting plan.
- Patrons as creators
- Libraries as collaborative spaces
- Mindful making
- New science standards: Scientific practice of critiquing what they create and use
Having students being mindful of why they are making.
How do we get them to be critical of their process? "Humble question prompts"
Skillful questioning from the teachers, or mentors, that get students to ask questions of themselves.
Loved: HOMAGO! Hanging out, messing around, geeking out! Need to spend informal time with the kids while they are engaged in "informal learning" so conversations can take place. Drop in the questions (those humble prompts) such as, "Could you make a mistake?"
From the closing keynote, I loved the slide that referred to your MakerSpaces to be "Anything your patrons and you want them to be."
Fabulous examples for digital makerspaces could be included on a website, such as tutorials or how to's. I would love to make some videos for my website / for my students!
Loved the green screen pizza boxes and want to try them with my CCTV kids.
The mobile making examples (Legos, yarn, 3D printing, etc) with QR code on top shelf or Maker Parties in a Box seem like a great way to store and make "making activities" available and accessible for classrooms to check out and share.
I especially loved the Lego wall she created from an old white board. I have an old easel which is not being used, but I think I will buy Lego flats and glue them to it to create my own portable Lego walls! I also plan to use her idea of a Lite-bright wall (minus the electricity) and use pegs + pool noodles. Wonderful low-tech modifications that are also ADA compliant.
Both keynotes were inspiring and encouraging. I feel better equipped to meet with my principal to come up with a starting plan.