
Share your takeaways from a keynote session.

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  • Last updated September 13, 2017 at 4:35 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Tell us what you learned from the opening or closing keynote session.

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The Humble Question Prompt

I thought that the idea of the humble question prompt was rather like an extension of a traditional reference interview, but with more pedagogical bite. Since the purpose of the methodology is to generate critical thinking on the part of the student, I don't fully agree with the "question" moniker; I would probably refer to it as the humble dialog/discourse prompt. 

Nevertheless, using this method to generate thought, making, and thought about making supports the idea of knowledge creation as a holistic concept, encompassing intellectual, physical, emotional, inter-and intra-personal learning, as well as the effect learning has on its creator and the surrounding environments and willing or unwilling constituents and stakeholders. 
katja Over 7 years ago

Keynote Session

I loved Heather Moorfield-Lang's closing keynote.  I had never heard of a fully online or mobile makerspaces before.  What great ideas to bring/provide makerspaces to people without them having to come to the library.
jenlem80 Over 7 years ago

Makerspaces should be a collaborative learning space. Projects should be developmental using scientific query and questions.

msharon Over 7 years ago

I loved the idea of a "Maker Day."

At my library, we are very interested in services we can provide to encourage our younger patrons to create on their own. The concept of a Maker Day, which would provide access to tools and resources to enable and empower patrons to create, might be just the thing. We will be sure to include a 3D design station/tutorial at any future Maker Day. 
kmcginness Over 7 years ago

Takeaways from Keynote Sessions

From the opening kenote session, several phases resonated with me...
  • Patrons as creators
  • Libraries as collaborative spaces
  • Mindful making
  • New science standards: Scientific practice of critiquing what they create and use
One big aha for me today: It's not about just "making stuff" but, it is something more important: mindfulness.
Having students being mindful of why they are making.

How do we get them to be critical of their process? "Humble question prompts"
Skillful questioning from the teachers, or mentors, that get students to ask questions of themselves.

Loved:  HOMAGO!  Hanging out, messing around, geeking out!  Need to spend informal time with the kids while they are engaged in "informal learning" so conversations can take place.  Drop in the questions (those humble prompts) such as, "Could you make a mistake?"

From the closing keynote, I loved the slide that referred to your MakerSpaces to be "Anything your patrons and you want them to be."

Fabulous examples for digital makerspaces could be included on a website, such as tutorials or how to's. I would love to make some videos for my website / for my students!

Loved the green screen pizza boxes and want to try them with my CCTV kids.

The mobile making examples (Legos, yarn, 3D printing, etc) with QR code on top shelf or Maker Parties in a Box seem like a great way to store and make "making activities" available and accessible for classrooms to check out and share.

I especially loved the Lego wall she created from an old white board. I have an old easel which is not being used, but I think I will buy Lego flats and glue them to it to create my own portable Lego walls!  I also plan to use her idea of a Lite-bright wall (minus the electricity) and use pegs + pool noodles.  Wonderful low-tech modifications that are also ADA compliant.

Both keynotes were inspiring and encouraging. I feel better equipped to meet with my principal to come up with a starting plan.  

miko Over 7 years ago

Making Makerspaces accessible to all, including bringing the space to the patrons.

Heather Moorefield-Lang has such great enthusiasm for Making and shared lots of terrific, specific ideas. The Maker buses are great for big libraries that can afford them, but even smaller libraries can make a Maker Fleet of carts with activities on them. The speaker's example was for a school, but I can see my public library sending carts around, via the library van, to our different branches, so that our more rural patrons can have access to some of our activities. I also liked the "Maker Party in the Box" and "Tinker Totes" concept, for smaller, 1 to 2 person activities. A lot of libraries are developing programs to circulate physical objects (e.g., a necktie library) and activity kits, and these Maker kits feed into that concept. I think this is a great way to draw in reluctant library users or non-users. Just because they don't read books doesn't mean we can't serve them.

Often accessibility for differently-abled patrons is an afterthought, so I'm glad the speaker talked about putting a focus on this in planning Maker equipment and activities. For example, how about involving sighted teens in designing and 3D-printing tactile picture books for children with visual impairments or sensory processing issues, for use in storytimes or to check out? The teens get a cool project and a sense of accomplishment, of making a real contribution. The kids get to be included in storytime. Everyone wins.
marycd Over 7 years ago

The Maker movement is a varied and ever growing thing.

libdragon Over 7 years ago

Really makes you think...

mrslemmo Over 7 years ago

Makerspaces in Libraries: Partnerships with Communities is the topic. The keynote speaker is Heather Moorefield-Lang Assistant professor.


YouTube Overflow

This page hosts the YouTube livestream overflow for the Library 2.0 event. It will be used for the pre-conference and keynote sessions only. Please refresh the...
sdjones Over 7 years ago