Tweaked query 2 to return any year somebody was born or died
SELECT born FROM people
SELECT died FROM people
ORDER BY died desc;
Query 1 (SQLFiddle doesn't appear to like SET operators so I had to switch to the Konagora sandbox)
SELECT title FROM movies
SELECT title FROM alt_titles
ORDER BY title;
Still working on sets, just wanted to get others in for credit/corrections
This query shows all girl_names EXCEPT the ones that are also boy_names.
Looks like the other SET operators work in Konagora! This query shows only the names where the girl_names and boy_names tables INTERSECT.
Example of a UNION operator.
With my lack of success across phpmyadmin(MySQL), Konagora, and SQL Fiddle: I'm beginning to think that nothing supports these SET operators
Uses UNION to combine information from an old backup with my current codebase.