One query will use a natural joinOne query will use a natural join. Submit a link to show your work. More Info |
Write an INNER JOIN query, with USING and ONThree queries shall use an inner join, with a mix of USING and ON clauses. Submit a link to show your work. More Info |
Write three queries using outer joinsThree queries shall use outer joins. Submit a link to show your work. More Info |
Use functions in queriesFour of the above queries will use a mix of single-row and aggregate functions. Submit a link to show your work. More Info |
Write three queries using different SET operatorsThree queries shall demonstrate the different Set operators. Submit a link to show your work. More Info |
Write 4 queries with different subqueriesFour queries will use subqueries for different reasons (ie, one query might be a correlated subquery to find duplicate values while another query might find a local maximum value). Submit a link to show your work. More Info |
Use WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY clausesAll queries will use different predicates (WHERE clause), sort on different attributes (ORDER BY clause), and use a mix of single-row and aggregate functions. Submit a link to show your work. More Info |
Charles Schultzsacrophyte |
Jacob Udenjaco |
K'Tyn Fowlerkfowler |
Matt Purnellmpurnell1 |
Randy McCarthyrandyiv |
Summer Lewisslewis52 |
Cristal CardenasCgcarde |
Jasmine Caijcai2 |
Jay Fisherjmfisher |
Kevin WebbKevin-Webb |
Moses TalyoweMoses-Talyowe |
Sharon DowSdow3 |
Victoria BecuVbecu1 |