Nearpod in My ClassroomAfter reviewing all of the cool things Nearpod can do, what 3 tools within Nearpod are you most excited about trying out? More Info |
Find a LessonShare the link to a lesson already created that you'd like to try out (you can edit if you'd like once you add it to your account. More Info |
Create a Lesson using the District's PAID accountWe have access to all of the fantabulous features! Create a lesson with at least 4 different activities to engage your students in the content of the presentation. Share the link to the lesson you've created. More Info |
Avery EvansAvery-Evans |
Devon CarrollDevon-Carroll |
Eileen SchreppelEileenSchreppel |
Jamie HeiserJamie-Heiser |
Jennifer PotempaJenniferPotempa |
John RiemenschneiderJohn1 |
Katelynd DeSanctisKatelyndDe |
Rachel Growerrgrower |
Sarah JosephSarah-Joseph |
Joshua BlairJoshua-Blair |
Kristen Riemenschneiderkriem |
Lillian DeAngeloLillianDeAngelo |