Sarah Titus

Steps to Completing an FBA

Steps to Completing and FBA

  • June 10, 2020 at 5:33 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
Step 1: Identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors.  This ensures that regardless of who collects the data, the correct behavior is observed.

Step 2: Collect data on the behavior(s).  The purpose of the data collection is to determine when, where and how frequently the target behavior occurs, as well as the duration of the behavior. Some types of data are checklists, parent and teacher interviews and direct observations such as an ABC analysis. (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence).  This data also provides baseline information prior to putting a plan in place.

Step 3: Identify the function of the behavior: This helps determine if the behavior is to obtain or avoid something as well as what the student is attempting to obtain or avoid. A functional assessment may be used to help in identifying the function of a behavior.