Patricia Muchard

Steps to Completing an FBA

Steps to complete FBA

  • August 2, 2020 at 5:36 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
The first 3 steps are very important in determining the function of an FBA. 

The first step of the plan is the team must identify and define the problem and the replacement behavior. Defining the right behavior is important because the team must be observing and collecting data on the right behavior. Not defining the right behavior may make the process inefficient and ineffective.   

Step 2 is to collect data on the behavior (when, where? how often, how long does it lasts). checklists work well and with information from interviews with student, teacher and parent, as well as  direct observations in the class. The ABC process is used (A: Antecedent, Behavior and Consequences) Direct observation records duration latency and event recording.  Collecting data is very important because it can give the team information about what triggers the behavior, where is it happening, how long does it last, how severe is the behavior etc)

Step 3 is to record the function of the behavior. Does it serve to attain attention, avoidance, tangible items or sensory conditions.  The third step is very important because it defines why the student is doing what s/he is doing. For example, is the student misbehaving to get attention? to avoid doing work, to get something as a result of the behavior or because it is physically needed to satisfy a need.