Pauline Carney

Part 3: Plan A, B, or C?

Plan A-imposing your will would be effective in a safety issue with the student, but using Plan B to discuss why you have safety concerns.

  • June 29, 2022 at 8:45 AM
  • Visible to public
In reflection of when I have used Plan A in my classroom, it was very ineffective. Students that are used to following rules and respect, there was no issues. But the students that are challenging found this method very defensively. They refused to do the task, I then responded with imposing my will and nothing would be solved.  Plan B-collaborative problem solving is a more effective method of de-escalating a situation in the classroom. I have used this plan when the students needed to understand the severity of the situation. Sitting down and have a one on one conversation with the student provided both of us the solution we were looking for. I could be something as small leaving the classroom unattended. In this instance, I talked to the student about my concerns of safety and knowing where the student was in the building. On their end of the situation, they thought because they are old enough to walk out of the classroom to get a drink it would be no problem. Instead of me reacting and taking away privileges, I discussed my concerns and it helped the students understand my expectations.