Christina Van Remmen

Part 3: Plan A, B, or C?

Plan A or Plan B

  • December 2, 2021 at 10:06 AM
  • Visible to public
One thing that every teacher learns early in his or her career is that everyday we need to be prepared with a variety of methods to handle different students.  I have used Plan A in my classroom most often in September when setting boundaries in the class.  Most students just need to see that this is a consequence for their actions.  Very often it only happens once and lesson is learned.  It does at time escalate to an argument, which I always try to avoid.  At those times it is helpful to pause and finish the discussion at another time. 
Plan B is a helpful to students that may not like being told what to do.  Having them be a part of the plan, makes them fight it less and want to be successful.  This happens most often in my classroom with students that seem to have a behavior issue in multiple classes and a plan is developed to help them be successful.  I have found that it also can be helpful to get to know more about this student.   A personal connection can often go a long way.