Lucas Federici

Part 3: Plan A, B, or C?

Plan A vs Plan B

  • October 13, 2023 at 11:35 AM
  • Visible to public
Plan A is when adults use/impose their will in order to get a student to do what their supposed to be doing. It can and does cause more issues because it creates challenging behaviors in challenging kids. Plan B is a collaboration between the teacher and student to find a way to to get what is needed to be done done. It can take a long time to establish but it does have a successful result. For me Plan A is usually at the beginning of the school year to get students to understand and get into the class routine. What I have learned is that it can only be used a couple times in the right situation. Plan B is used if I have a student that is struggling but is trying. I will have a conversation with them to figure out what we can do to help each other. This is done through out the year.