Julie Meszaros

Part 3: Plan A, B, or C?

Plan A or Plan B?

  • June 14, 2021 at 7:48 PM
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I really liked this explanation of plan A, B, and C. Reflecting on my own teaching I have been guilty of using plan A most often when a challenging situaton occurs and I am frustrated or looking for a quick fix or way to diffuse a situation. However, as the video explains plan A is not a quick fix. Plan A is the imposition of adult will. Plan A causes challenging behavior -especially in those students who don't have the skills to cope. Saying words like "you must" or counting "1, 2, 3" is actually causing the behavior you are trying to stop. I think teachers often revert to using plan A because they hear so much about being in control of the classroom or not letting kids walk all over you. I've even been told by colleagues that I am "too nice." Teachers often relate a loud, stern, forceful teaching presence to a teacher that has good classroom management. The video reinforces the point that good classroom management is teaching kids skills to cope with problems and fix them. 

A time in my classroom that I used plan B was with a particularly challenging student. He was "the kid" that everyone felt sorry that you had in your class. I chose to form my own judgement of this student and really strive hard to form a strong relationship with him. Once he trusted and respected me, we were able to discuss problems and develop solutions together. If he didnt handle a particular situation correctly, we could talk about it after the fact and brainstorm other possible solutions. As the video states, plan B is not a quick fix. Plan B is hard work over time teaching kids the skills to solve problems