Plan A as Dr. Greene describes is the Imposition of Adult Will. It is all about power. The examples he provides, such as counting down to meltdown and using terminology such as "you must" seem like convenient options to make something happen quickly. I have found myself using Plan A in student safety situations- such as in lockdown drills, fighting amongst students, etc. There is a clear expectation of behavior that has to be met immediately to ensure the well being of the class.
Plan B is Collaborative Problem Solving. It provides for intervention. I like how he called this "a way of operating". I recently used Plan B with two students in class who were off task and talking excessively. After my other teacher tactics of close proximity and such failed, both students started to get heated with their conversation, I pulled the students out into the hall to start problem solving. We had the conversation of how we can resolve their issue and get back on track academically. By showing empathy and defining concerns, the class distraction was put at bay.
Plan B is Collaborative Problem Solving. It provides for intervention. I like how he called this "a way of operating". I recently used Plan B with two students in class who were off task and talking excessively. After my other teacher tactics of close proximity and such failed, both students started to get heated with their conversation, I pulled the students out into the hall to start problem solving. We had the conversation of how we can resolve their issue and get back on track academically. By showing empathy and defining concerns, the class distraction was put at bay.