Colleen McNamara

Part 3: Plan A, B, or C?

Plan A or Plan B?

  • June 17, 2021 at 5:23 AM
  • Visible to public
Plan A is unilateral problem solving.  I use this in my classroom mostly to redirect behaviors that could pose an immediate safety issue or harm someone.  For example, I had a student recently send vulgar and inappropriate messages to another student on the iPad. He lost his iPad privileges, lost out on certain activities in the classroom and had lunch detention in the office.

Plan B is collaborative problem solving.  I use this in my classroom to help students develop their own solutions to negative behaviors that are not causing anyone severe harm. I often use this for social/friendship issues, honesty issues, and behaviors like tattling, disorganization, etc.  For example, I have a student who chooses to lie or stretch the truth for almost everything that she talks about. We sat down, discussed the issue, and she developed a plan that we check in on frequently to see how she is improving.