Sara Bender

Reflection 1

SAMR Levels

  • September 12, 2020 at 9:09 AM
  • Visible to public
Multiple platforms of technology with various access points are substituted with a Blackboard function, for example, Zoom meetings are substituted for Blackboard Ultra Collaborate, which allows for a similar experience.

Blackboard Ultra Collaborate sessions allow for integration into the lessons and discussions seamlessly by being offered on the same platform.  Students access sessions while they are already logged into Blackboard.

The weekly discussion posts are now able to be shared in a real-time, personal setting, albeit virtually through Blackboard Ultra Collaborate.  Thoughts are developed further through group discussion and integration.  Debates are had and alternate views are explored with back and forth conversations.

Through this functionality, we are able to change the Capstone project from a transactional submission of demonstrated knowledge from the course into a relational presentation where students use a variety of available technology to create and present their Capstone strategic plan to the cohort in real time over Blackboard Ultra Collaborate.