As I was completing the SAMR part of the assignment, I found that I was using the technology in better ways than I had imagined. Some of my original plan ended up in the substitution and modification levels. To fill in the A and R parts of the model, I really had to stretch my original assignment. I feel that the things I have added will make for a richer learning experience for my students. I think my role within the classroom moves from instructor to facilitator the deeper we go in the SAMR model. At the substitution level, the students are watching videos of me teaching the lesson. By the time we get to redefinition, the students are instructing each other. The students' roles change from just being the receivers of knowledge to them actually becoming the teachers themselves. They are able to assess their classmates' understandings of the topic through the escape room and then they can critique each other's work on the creation of the escape rooms. Going through the SAMR model really helped me expand the lesson in ways I hadn't thought!