Mackenzie Hardin

Reflection 1

Reflection 1

  • September 10, 2019 at 11:07 AM
  • Visible to public
  When thinking about what kind of lesson I wanted to put into this, I knew I wanted to do something with science. I thought how much technology has been introduced into the school system sense I have been in school. A students learning is much more enhanced with all of this new tech allowing you to go deeper into science and really any subject. Back before all this technology, you were limited to a book. Whatever the book told you is what you went by. Now, with this technology, we can go even deeper. We can get new information that would not have been put in a book meant for elementary schoolers. Personally, I believe the technology has gained more interest too.             Looking into my decisions for technology on SAMR most of my technology would fit into the R. Using VR, we have never had the opportunity to get this deep into space in the classroom. Using VR changes the lesson completely without losing sight of what is being taught. We are still learning about the solar system and its components, but now we can learn even more because of how deep we can go into the topic using this technology. Now, when looking into the role as a teacher, I believe that the technology is just a substitute. The teacher will still teach the same, but with the new technology, they will be able to go even farther into the teaching. The teacher will ultimately still lead discussions too as the students use the VR systems. The teacher's role is still to lead and teach just with new added technology. Moving to the student, I see the student in the A. The student will still act in the student role by participating in discussion and taking in all the information, but the new technology helps them learn more on the topic. The students will get more out of this lesson than they would with the old school textbook. With space, it is hard to get up close and personal with it because it is space. We have to just go off the books. With these new technologies, the students can dig deeper into the learning and gaining more knowledge.