I feel as though many of the decisions I made forced me to think harder about what each activity is really doing, and helped me to think outside of the box in order to think of activities at each level of SAMR. Having to think about different ways to alter a lesson illustrates how teachers have to be creative when it comes to lesson planning.
My lesson is Novel because I feel as though it is relatively creative and unique. The lesson is Effective since it encourages student-based learning, and includes multiple uses of technology to help the students learn about geometric models. The lesson is Whole since it covers geometric models, their different aspects, and how they relate to real world examples.
My decisions in the process have been examples of the teacher as a designer since I had to think of and create different ways to construct the lesson plan so that it would meet the different levels of SAMR. All of the decisions for my final lesson plan were made carefully in order to ensure that the lesson would still be effective while being student led.
My lesson is Novel because I feel as though it is relatively creative and unique. The lesson is Effective since it encourages student-based learning, and includes multiple uses of technology to help the students learn about geometric models. The lesson is Whole since it covers geometric models, their different aspects, and how they relate to real world examples.
My decisions in the process have been examples of the teacher as a designer since I had to think of and create different ways to construct the lesson plan so that it would meet the different levels of SAMR. All of the decisions for my final lesson plan were made carefully in order to ensure that the lesson would still be effective while being student led.