June Toliver

Reflection 2

Reflection #3

  • September 19, 2021 at 3:59 PM
  • Last updated over 3 years ago
  • Visible to public
Teachers as designers How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher creativity? As a Social Studies instructor in an Virtual & Online School Environment (Indiana Connections Career Academy” our/my Pedagogical approach focuses on giving our online students “traditional” classroom instructional experiences via google classroom. Using online google slides with embedded video access, google forms for demonstration of understanding, choices to demonstrate understanding by supplying self-evaluation questions regarding individual mastery levels and breakout rooms for discreet and 1-1 direct instruction opportunities. I believe that my lesson plan is “Novel” by way of providing a variety of examples of “Indiana Boarding School” primary source materials such as Narratives, Photographs & added video that depicts ways in which Native Americans experienced forced “Assimilation” and ask students to collaborate and discuss different points of view regarding Westward Expansion. The lesson demonstrates “Effective” use of technology and pedagogical formats in that students are provided with a variety of ways to receive and experience content knowledge regarding the Westward Expansion and the Native American Experience while still adhering to structured learning and assessment options to gage learning and demonstrate knowledge and practice expressing what they learned through essay reflections and class discussions. The lesson demonstrates "Wholeness" and "Understandability" by the way students are allowed to view primary sources, utilized Historical Analysis Questions provided by the National Archives and reflect upon the content, objectives, and essential questions drawn from US History State Standards in a way that is personal, meaningful and individualized based upon student abilities, independent critical thinking skills and ability to work through a variety of primary sources and points of view of major historical events that occurred in US History during the period of Westward Expansion. While provide traditional classroom level collaboration, discussions as well individualized support for students who need additional guidance and mastery support. "Teacher as Designer" is signified based up utilizing a variety of Primary Sources, Media, and various instructional and assessment practices that are available through the Zoom Classroom Setting such as Breakout Rooms, Video link embedded within google slides and Green light, Red Light, and Yellow Light Google Forms and Links that allow for students to evaluate their own mastery and allow for the teacher to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of students in the classroom via whole group, small group, or individualized instruction.