June Toliver

Reflection 1

SAMR Reflection #1

  • September 19, 2021 at 3:28 PM
  • Last updated over 3 years ago
  • Visible to public
As I worked through the SAMR part of the assignment, I wanted to make sure I was aware of how Technology was being utilized during the instructional decision making process, technology usage, and the roles of both the teacher and the student. The use of written materials such as Primary Source Quotes, Maps, and R.A.C.E. essay writing instruction demonstrated “Substitution”, since these items were merely used via technology in the same manner they would have been used without the addition of technology. I wanted to use Technology in away as direct substitute with functional improvement by allowing for student to utilize direct messenger in Zoom to request Breakout Room Assistance if they were struggling to write their chosen essays regarding Native American Boarding Schools videos, photographs, and primary written sources. The use of Technology to as a Modification is utilized during the part of the lesson in which students can select Green Light=high proficiency based on self-evaluation questions, Yellow Light=at level based up self-evaluation questions and Red Light=low proficiency with extra practice and modified essay questions that would allow for additional student support. Finally, Virtual Classroom Zoom Setting allows for students to attend the class and participate in the lesson live. It also allows for students to work in small groups, collaborate, and discuss topics related to “Indian Assimilation Practices” via Boarding Schools and also conduct Historical Analysis and write Essays Reflections with 1-1 or Small Group Teacher Support during a Live Lesson. Teacher and student roles evolve back and forth from “I do”, “You do” & “We Do” a different parts of the lesson which is proceeded by a Mini-Recording thus making is primarily “We do” aside from students who request either 1-1 direct instruction or small group review of main objectives or essay writing format instructions provided during mini-recording.