Teachers as designers How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher creativity? How is the lesson Novel, Effective, & Whole? How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher as designer?
I believe to have an effective lesson, you have to be creative. You have to think of something NEW/NOVEL to catch students attention. This is a project that has been successful for me for years, but it still needed some twerks in it to keep it fresh. So to make it novel, I connected it to what students love, their social media. The selfies they take everyday are works of art in someway. They show the emotion or their personality when they post them. The TPACK framework itself made me think in NEW ways. Trying to overlap all three areas of the content, pedagogy and technology, makes you think at a different level and also makes you be more creative. So trying to make something such as drawing a self portrait, which seems so NON-TECHNOLOGY in one sense, into something that makes the lesson a multi-faceted was intriguing to me. I think the lesson is very effective, because it allows them to learn from various techniques/strategies, rather than just drawing. It is WHOLE because students are learning in multiple ways and it is using various pedagogical strategies.
I believe to have an effective lesson, you have to be creative. You have to think of something NEW/NOVEL to catch students attention. This is a project that has been successful for me for years, but it still needed some twerks in it to keep it fresh. So to make it novel, I connected it to what students love, their social media. The selfies they take everyday are works of art in someway. They show the emotion or their personality when they post them. The TPACK framework itself made me think in NEW ways. Trying to overlap all three areas of the content, pedagogy and technology, makes you think at a different level and also makes you be more creative. So trying to make something such as drawing a self portrait, which seems so NON-TECHNOLOGY in one sense, into something that makes the lesson a multi-faceted was intriguing to me. I think the lesson is very effective, because it allows them to learn from various techniques/strategies, rather than just drawing. It is WHOLE because students are learning in multiple ways and it is using various pedagogical strategies.