As a future teacher for younger students I think this app is
excellent! I think it could even be used for older students as well. The app is
free and I think it is a great tool for teachers to keep track of the students
and how they are doing in the classroom. I really like the idea of a point
system and how the app can create unbiased groups for you. With the use of this
app, it really makes rewarding students more enjoyable and provides an easier
way to communicate with parents. This app is relevant to my classroom because I
can use it as an everyday message on the board, a way to track behavior,
sending messages to parents, sharing what the class did each day, and ability
to play music or use a timer. Also, this app has the ability for you to connect with other teachers classrooms in your school as well. There is so many different ways I could apply
this app in my classroom and I don’t think I could find an app that would fit
my needs better than this one.